

著作分類 IIRワーキングペーパー
著者 Wan, Yunyun(Jiangyun)
論文タイトル Brand Royalty and Generic Competition
機関名 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター
ナンバー WP#16-01
公開日 2016/01/13
要旨 Facing generic competition, a brand-name drug company sometimes launches its own generic called an "authorized generic"(AG) through a third-party entity. If an authorized party transfers a substantial part of its profits to the brand-name drug company, the letter's total profit increases as a result and every branded drug that comes off the patent should have its AG version. However, in actual fact only a small proportion of branded drugs have AGs. To explain this puzzle, I develop a model that features switching costs due to the customer base a brand-name drug develops prior to generic entry. The model predicts that AGs are launched when switching costs to the generics are sufficiently low. I test this hypothess using prescription drug data and find strong support for it.
ラベル 経済学
登録日 2016/01/13