

著作分類 論文
著者 Kang,Byeongwoo:Rudi Bekkers:Atsushi Ohyama
論文タイトル The determinants of parallel invention: Measuring the role of information sharing and personal interaction between inventors
機関名 Research Policy
ページ 1-16頁
出版・発行年月 2024/12/01
要旨 There is abundant evidence that individuals create similar ideas independently at about the same time. While this phenomenon has often been documented, its underlying mechanisms have been understudied empirically. This study investigates two of such mechanisms implied by the theoretical work of Amabile (1983, 1988), Nonaka (1994), and Nonaka et al. (2006). We examine these mechanisms in the empirical setting of 3G and 4G standardization, allowing us to track whether inventors have access to the same technical information and are involved in interactive discussions on technical issues. Using AI-based similarity scores as well as patent examiner decisions on patent similarity, this study finds that individuals create similar knowledge when identical information inputs are given, and also when they exchange thoughts and ideas among them. The latter effect on parallel inventions is stronger and more robust than the former effect. Our findings deepen the understanding of knowledge creation and provide practical implications for organisations that seek to innovate.
参考URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048733324001410?via%3Dihub
ラベル 経営学, 組織論, イノベーションの経済分析, 知識, イノベーション, 特許, 知識創造, 同時開発
登録日 2024/09/10