Detail Information


Category IIR Working Paper
Author Shimizu, Hiroshi: Yusuke Hoshino
Article Title The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of the Okouchi Prizes and a Comparison with the R&D 100 Awards
Institution Hitotsubashi University IIR
Number WP#12-02
Release Date 2012/02/16
Abstract This paper conducts preliminary analysis on technological innovation by using prize and award data sets: the Okouchi Prizes and the R&D 100 Awards. It aims to outline longitudinal patterns of award-winning industries, organizational type, and inter-organizational collaboration. First, it shows that most awards in the 1960s were given in the area of electric appliances. The iron and steel industry was the second leading prize winner of the Okouchi Prizes. Meanwhile, the segment of transportation equipment, one of the Japan's leading industries, fared poorly. Looking at the R&D 100 Awards, this segment's presence has increased in Japan, while it has decreased in the U.S. since the 1970s. Lastly, the inter-organizational collaboration ratio was higher in Japan than in the U.S. until the 1980s. However, the U.S. showed an increase in the collaboration ratio starting in the 1980s, when the ratio dramatically dropped in Japan.
Label 技術経営
Register date 2012/02/28