Detail Information


Category IIR Working Paper
Author Kimura, Megumi
Article Title Giants and Angels: Innovation on the Lines
Institution Hitotsubashi University IIR
Number WP#20-18
Release Date 2020/12/25
Abstract This paper organises relationships between giants and angels in innovation, or historical relationships between science and economy into a linear narrative form, clarifying the differences between the economy of machinery and manufacturers, and the economy of brain and intelligence. It is necessary to reconfigure some of our complexified thinking before moving to discussions of the economy of machine and intelligence, which can be said as a new combination of the two forms of economy. To discover the “third causes” to learn, this paper reveals the essence and principles of learnings, focusing on the “second causes,” intelligence, or secrets and keys as social and economic functions of eyes and ears of human. Let us start by visualising forces, powers of innovation as energy by transforming the knowledge published so far, the learning histories of the world.
Notes 2021年9月1日にタイトルを変更。旧タイトル: "Pathways to Innovation: Perception and Sensation"
Label クリエイティブ産業
Register date 2020/11/02