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Category Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper
Title Institutionally derived strategic influence of MNC subsidiaries, Conference Paper: submitted by Padrón-Hernández, Ivar
Institution Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB)
Date 2020/07/01
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Exhibition Date 2020/07/01
Abstract What role do host country institutions play for the strategic influence of subsidiaries in mul-tinational enterprises (MNEs)? Through an inductive study of ten headquarters-subsidiary dyads across three MNEs, this paper identifies enablers of subsidiary influence in proposed strategies from headquarters, i.e., headquarter strategic initiatives. These enablers reside either in institutions themselves or in interfaces with the MNE. Furthermore, I show how these enablers may be leveraged by subsidiaries to either avoid or become involved in head-quarter strategic initiatives. This is done through distinct tactics that target different organizational rationales related to the complex relationship between MNEs, subsidiaries and local institutions. The study contributes to the literature on global strategy and headquarters-subsidiary relationships by delineating the role of local institutions, as filtered through subsidiaries, in global strategy.
Label 経営学, 戦略論, 組織論, 多国籍企業, イノベーショントランスファー
Register date 2020/07/31