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Category Working Paper(outside IIR)
Author Yamaguchi, Shotaro:Hiroyasu Inoue:Kentaro Nakajima:Tetsuji Okazaki:Yukiko Umeno Saito:Serguey Braguinsky
Article Title Invention by Collage Graduates in Science and Engineering during Japan's Industrialization
Institution RIETI Discussion Paper Series
Number 22-E-104
Release Date 2022/11/01
Abstract During Japan's industrialization from the late 19th to the first half of the 20th century, the adoption of foreign technologies was increasingly complemented by domestic inventions, while the role played by college-educated scientists and engineers in inventions has not been examined. We match demographic, domicile and job information of Imperial University and Technical College science & engineering (S&E) graduates from the onset of Japanese higher S&E education with patent application records in the Japanese Patent Office during the period 1885-1940 to identify who were granted patents, when and where they invented, and how such patterns changed over time. We find that the presence of S&E graduates among inventors increased over time. The likelihood of becoming inventors significantly varied across schools and divisions. Also, Imperial University graduates tended to produce inventions of higher quality, and their inventions were more concentrated in regions where economic activities were intense.
Label 経済学, イノベーションの経済地理分析, 知識のスピルオーバー
Register date 2022/11/01