

著作分類 IIRワーキングペーパー
著者 Choi, Eugene K.
論文タイトル Paradigm Innovation through the Strategic Collaboration between TORAY & UNIQLO: Evolution of A New Fast Fashion Business Model
機関名 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター
ナンバー WP#11-01
公開日 2011/01/07
要旨 The key purpose of this study is to examine the remarkable context within the evolution of the paradigm innovation in fashion product development, in the case of Japanese fashion apparel, UNIQLO, created by Fast Retailing Corp in 1998. The key theme hereby concerns innovation, and this perspective surely necessitates Fast Retailing’s strategic collaboration with a Japanese new material and artificial textile powerhouse, TORAY: as TORAY’s technological provision was an essential source for the dynamic product and process innovation behind the extraordinary growth of UNIQLO. Furthermore, the technological superiority also entailed its innovative positioning in market competition. It is crucial to examine how and why the two brought about their core competences together through new combinations of concepts. This should impart a few promising research perspectives regarding their innovative model of unchallenged value creation, strong market competitiveness, and sustainable corporate growth.
ラベル 技術経営
登録日 2011/12/31