

著作分類 IIRケーススタディ
著者 Fukushima, Eishi
論文タイトル The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. and NGK Insulators, Ltd. : Inside Cooperative Innovation: Development and Commercialization of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Power Storage
機関名 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター
ナンバー CASE#13-01
出版・発行年月 2013/04/23
要旨 This case study is the result of research undertaken for the Research Project on Okochi Prize Cases, which is being conducted with financial support from the Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation project under in the 21st Century COE Program at Hitotsubashi University. The project prepares case studies of research efforts that have been awarded the Okochi Prize that provide overviews of technical innovations and analyze the development process, the details and results of commercialization and related topics, in cooperation with the Okochi Memorial Foundation and firms that have received the award. Together with creating a portfolio of case studies and accumulating case data on Japan’s major innovations, the project performs cross-comparative analyses of cases and seeks to identify the characteristics and issues surrounding innovation efforts at Japanese firms (for details refer to the following website (Japanese only): http://www.iir.hit-u.ac.jp/reserch/21COE.html). The author would like to express his deep appreciation for the extensive support and cooperation provided by the Okochi Memorial Foundation while pursuing this project.
備考 (Updated based on Japanese version written in 2008, CASE #08-02)
ラベル 技術経営, 大河内賞
登録日 2013/04/23