

著作分類 IIRワーキングペーパー
著者 Konno, Yukiko
論文タイトル Analysing R&D in the Japanese Construction Industry
機関名 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター
ナンバー WP#16-06
公開日 2016/04/08
要旨 This study examines the reasons for research and development (R&D) inactivity in the Japan’s construction industry. It focuses on the impact of Japan’s public works bidding system on the contractors’ R&D investments and investigates how contractors’ behavior patterns relate to individual performance using a regression analysis on the based on actual data. This study finds that only contractors with a high Keiei Jikou Sinsa score, which is an examination of subjective matters in the pre-qualification of bidding for public works projects, conduct R&D actively, although the R&D investment can enhance the future profit.
ラベル イノベーションの経済分析, イノベーションの計測
登録日 2016/04/08