

著作分類 ワーキングペーパー
著者 Kang, Byeongwoo : Yukihito Sato : Yasushi Ueki
論文タイトル Mobility of Highly Skilled Retirees from Japan to the Republic of Korea and Taiwan
機関名 Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
ナンバー ERIA Discussion Paper 2016-31
公開日 2017/02/28
要旨 Attracting highly skilled workers is a major element in the economic development of many countries, especially developing ones. However, workers generally move from developing countries to developed ones. Historical evidence indicates that Korean and Taiwanese firms scout for highly skilled (retired or soon-to-retire) Japanese workers to accrue, and catch up on, knowledge. Therefore, this paper investigates how these firms scout for highly skilled Japanese workers. Aiming to produce evidence rather than testing hypotheses, this paper gives practical information on firms in developing countries in attracting highly skilled workers to drive future growth. In addition, this paper provides insights into the international mobility of highly skilled workers from a developed country to developing countries, which has not been examined in the previous literature.
参考URL http://www.eria.org/publications/discussion_papers/DP2016-31.html
ラベル 知識のスピルオーバー, 人材移動
登録日 2017/02/28