

著作分類 論文
著者 Nabeshima, Kaoru : Mila Kashcheeva : Byeongwoo Kang
論文タイトル The Impacts of Export Competition on International Technology Flows
機関名 Applied Economics Letters
ページ pp. 1-4
出版・発行年月 2017/10/25
要旨 Knowledge flow is a key to building technological capabilities. This article investigates how competition in international trade affects knowledge flow between countries using patent data and trade data for analysis. The main finding is that export competition in the third market (in our study, the US market) seems to have a positive impact on the flow of knowledge. The findings from this study contribute to the debate on ‘learning-by-exporting’. KEYWORDS: International trade, knowledge flow, learning-by-export, East Asia
備考 Published online: 25 Oct 2017
参考URL http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504851.2017.1394969
ラベル イノベーションの経済分析, 知識, 知識のスピルオーバー
登録日 2017/10/26