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The determinants of parallel invention: Measuring the role of information sharing and personal interaction between inventors

Kang,Byeongwoo:Rudi Bekkers:Atsushi Ohyama
『Research Policy』 Vol.53 Issu10 1-16頁 (2024/12/01)

There is abundant evidence that individuals create similar ideas independently at about the same time. While this phenomenon has often been documented, its underlying mechanisms have been understudied empirically. This study investigates two of such mechanisms implied by the theoretical work of Amabile (1983, 1988), Nonaka (1994), and …

  • 経営学
  • 組織論
  • イノベーションの経済分析
  • 知識
  • イノベーション
  • 特許
  • 知識創造
  • 同時開発
  • K-pop’s internationalization in the product adaptation and the upstream music supply chain in Korea, China, Japan, and the West

    Kim, Byeongsik:Byeongwoo Kang
    『Asia Pacific Business Review』 Vol. 29 No. 5 1369-1393頁 (2023/06/01)

    The success of Korean popular music (K-pop) in foreign markets has attracted considerable attention from researchers. Previous studies have highlighted the factors in K-…

    • 戦略論
    • 東アジア企業
    • Structure of university licensing networks

      Modic, Dolores:Borut Lužar:Tohru Yoshioka‑Kobayashi
      『Scientometrics』 Vol.128 Issue2 901-932頁 (2023/02/01)

      We study the structure and evolution of networks of inventors involved in university licensing and patenting. In particular, we focus on networks of inventors that have successfully licensed a university patent (i.e., licensing networks), and investigate levels of their fragmentation, cliquishness, and whether they exhibit the small wo…

      • ネットワーク
      • 計量書誌学
      • Overcoming the liability of foreignness in US capital markets: the case of Alibaba and Coupang

        Pesqué-Cela, Vanesa:Jiarong Li:Yun Kyung Kim
        『Asia Pacific Business Review』 Vol,29 Issue2 323-349頁 (2022/09/21)

        Drawing on signalling theory and using the cases of Alibaba and Coupang, we investigate whether and how venture capital-backed companies from emerging markets use CSR to overcome the liability of foreignness when going public in the US. Our findings suggest that such firms strategically increase their CSR activities prior to their IPO …

        • CSR
        • 新興国企業の社会的責任
        • 東アジア企業
        • IPO
        • 非市場戦略
        • The impact of state ownership on corporate social responsibility reporting: A comparison between state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises in China

          Li, Jiarong:Masato Sasaki
          『Management Communication Quarterly』 (2023/10/23)

          Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting is a communication channel between companies and stakeholders. As the literature has largely been confined to exploring p…

          • CSR
          • 新興国企業の社会的責任
          • 組織コミュニケーション
          • 国有企業
          • 比較分析
          • Political embeddedness and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a state-led developing country: evidence from China

            Li, Jiarong:Masato Sasaki
            『Asian Business & Management』 1-25頁 (2024/02/03)

            In many countries, the government plays a regulative role in corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an external overseer of economic and public market sectors. However, owing to the politically embedded nature of extensive corporations in China, the government's influence over CSR is not only exogenous but may even endogenously shape…

            • CSR
            • 新興国企業の社会的責任
            • 国有資本所有制
            • 政治的な結び付き
            • Mechanisms for Long-Term Innovation:Technology and Business Development of Reverse Osmosis Membranes

              Fujiwara, Masatoshi; Yaichi Aoshima
              Springer Nature Singapore, 372pp.(2022/12/16)

              This book explores how a long-term innovation can take place based on historical analyses of the development of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane from the early 1950s to the mid-2010s. The RO membrane is a critical material for desalination that is a key to solve water shortages becoming serious in many places of the world. The authors …

              • 経営学
              • 技術経営
              • 技術史
              • Magicc
              • 大河内賞
              • 日本企業
              • イノベーション政策
              • 不確実性
              • Scientific rewards for biomedical specialization are large and persistent

                De Rassenfosse, Gaétan: Kyle Higham: Orion Penner
                『BMC Biology』 Vol. 20 Article Number 211 (2022/09/30)

                Background: While specialization plays an essential role in how scientific research is pursued, we understand little about its effects on a researcher’s impact and care…

                • 専門分野
                • 科学的インパクト
                • 科学者のキャリア
                • 科学の科学的探究
                • 計量書誌学
                • 研究の体制と在り方
                • Determinants of Ph.D. progression: student’s abilities and lab local environment

                  Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Tohru: Sotaro Shibayama
                  『Higher Education』 Published online: 29 September, 2022 (2022/09/29)

                  Ph.D. training is an important mechanism for developing scientists who will serve our knowledge-based society. Because the quality of students who join Ph.D. programs si…

                  • 高等教育
                  • 科学技術政策
                  • Multilayer patent citation networks: A comprehensive analytical framework for studying explicit technological relationships

                    Higham, Kyle: Martina Contisciani: Caterina De Bacco
                    『Technological Forecasting and Social Change』 Vol. 179 (2022/06/01)

                    The use of patent citation networks as research tools is becoming increasingly commonplace in the field of innovation studies. However, these networks rarely consider the contexts in which these citations are generated and are generally restricted to a single jurisdiction. Here, we propose and explore the use of a multilayer network fr…

                    • 技術経営
                    • ネットワーク
                    • イノベーションの計測
                    • 特許
                    • Determinants of Contract Renewals in University–Industry Contract Research: Going my Way, or Good Sam?

                      Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Tohru: Makiko Takahashi, in Azagra-Caro, Joaquín M., Pablo D'Este and David Barberá-Tomás, eds. (編)『University-Industry Knowledge Interactions: People, Tensions and Impact (International Studies in Entrepreneurship Volume 52)』 Chap. 6, pp. 89-110

                      • 技術経営
                      • 産学連携
                      • 科研費プロジェクト
                      • Product Innovation, Product Diversification and Firm Growth: Evidence from Japan's Early Industrialization

                        Braginsky, Serguey: Atsushi Ohyama: Tetsuji Okazakii: Chad Syverson
                        『American Economic Review』 Vol. 111 No. 12 pp. 3795-3826 (2021/12/01)

                        • 経済学
                        • イノベーションの経済分析
                        • Economic sociology in Japan

                          Nakano Tsutomu: Masaru Karube: Yoshimichi Sato: Naoki Wakabayashi
                          『economic sociology. perspectives and conversations』 23 1 11-18 (2021/11/30)

                          Economic sociology is an established field in the Western tradition of sociology. Departing from the instrumental rationality of neoclassical economics (Weber 1968), it has made a breakthrough with its foundational conception that economic action of individuals constructs social structures and these social structures heavily influence …

                          • 経済学
                          • 経営学
                          • 組織論
                          • 社会学
                          • Management practices and productivity in Japan: Evidence from six industries in JP MOPS

                            Kambayashi, Ryo: Atsushi Ohyama: Nobuko Hori
                            『Journal of the Japanese and International Economies』 Volume 61 (2021/09/01)

                            • 経済学
                            • イノベーションの計測
                            • Trends in Gender Pay Gaps of Scientists and Engineers in Academia and Industry

                              Waverly W. Ding: Atsushi Ohyama: Rajshree Agarwal
                              『Nature Biotechnology』 39 1019-1024 (2021/08/01)

                                Introducing a Novelty Indicator for Scientific Research: Validating the Knowledge-based Combinatorial Approach

                                Matsumoto, Kuniko: Sotaro Shibayama: Byeongwoo Kang: Masatsura Igami
                                『Scientometrics』 Vol. 126 No. 8 pp. 6891-6915 (2021/06/23)

                                Citation counts have long been considered as the primary bibliographic indicator for evaluating the quality of research—a practice premised on the assumption that citati…

                                • イノベーションの計測
                                • Innovation Processes in Public Research Institutes: AIST, Fraunhofer and ITRI Case Studies

                                  Kang, Byeongwoo
                                  『Science, Technology and Society』 Vol. 26 No. 3 pp. 433-458 (2021/05/25)

                                  The design of national innovation systems has attracted attention from scholars and policymakers. Firms, universities and government organisations (including public research institutes) are defined as the three major players of the national innovation system and interactions between the players are considered the key of the national in…

                                  • イノベーションの計測
                                  • イノベーション・プロセス
                                  • 公的研究機関
                                  • National Origin Diversity and Innovation Performance: The Case of Japan

                                    Kang, Byeongwoo: Kaoru Nabeshima
                                    『Scientometrics』 Vol. 126 No. 6 pp. 5333-5351 (2021/04/26)

                                    The debate on whether a team’s diversity influences innovation outcomes has gained attention in literature on innovation. Our study focuses on national origin among vari…

                                    • 組織論
                                    • イノベーション
                                    • Patent Quality: Towards a Systematic Framework for Analysis and Measurement

                                      Higham, Kyle:Gaétan de Rassenfosse:Adam B. Jaffe
                                      『Research Policy』 Vol. 50 Issue 4 (2021/05/01)

                                      The quality of novel technological innovations is extremely variable, and the ability to measure innovation quality is essential to sensible, evidence-based policy. Patents, an often vital precursor to a commercialised innovation, share this heterogeneous quality distribution. A pertinent question then arises: How should we define and …

                                      • 技術経営
                                      • 技術政策
                                      • イノベーションの計測
                                      • イノベーション政策
                                      • 特許
                                      • Do sourcing networks make firms global? Microlevel evidence from firm-to-firm transaction networks

                                        Itoh, Ryo: Kentaro Nakajima
                                        『The Japanese Economic Review』 Vol. 72 Issue 1 pp. 65-96 (2020/11/16)

                                        This study investigates how the structure of a domestic firm-to-firm transaction network influences the foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions of embedded firms in th…

                                        • 経済学