
検索結果: 3件 1ページ目(1〜3)

Political embeddedness and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a state-led developing country: evidence from China

Li, Jiarong:Masato Sasaki
『Asian Business & Management』 1-25頁 (2024/02/03)

In many countries, the government plays a regulative role in corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an external overseer of economic and public market sectors. However, owing to the politically embedded nature of extensive corporations in China, the government's influence over CSR is not only exogenous but may even endogenously shape…

  • CSR
  • 新興国企業の社会的責任
  • 国有資本所有制
  • 政治的な結び付き
  • The impact of state ownership on corporate social responsibility reporting: A comparison between state-owned and non-state-owned enterprises in China

    Li, Jiarong:Masato Sasaki
    『Management Communication Quarterly』 (2023/10/23)

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting is a communication channel between companies and stakeholders. As the literature has largely been confined to exploring p…

    • CSR
    • 新興国企業の社会的責任
    • 組織コミュニケーション
    • 国有企業
    • 比較分析
    • Overcoming the liability of foreignness in US capital markets: the case of Alibaba and Coupang

      Pesqué-Cela, Vanesa:Jiarong Li:Yun Kyung Kim
      『Asia Pacific Business Review』 Vol. 29 Issue 2 pp. 323-349 (2022/09/21)

      Drawing on signalling theory and using the cases of Alibaba and Coupang, we investigate whether and how venture capital-backed companies from emerging markets use CSR to overcome the liability of foreignness when going public in the US. Our findings suggest that such firms strategically increase their CSR activities prior to their IPO …

      • CSR
      • 新興国企業の社会的責任
      • 東アジア企業
      • IPO
      • 非市場戦略