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Page 17 (321 - 340) of 889 Results

The impact of standardization on the competitiveness of the bicycle industry

EURAS 2011 (2011/06/01)

Conference Paper: submitted by Eto, Manabu

  • 経営学
  • 標準化
  • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


    Role of Doctoral Scientists in Corporate R&D in Laser Diode Research in Japan

    Shimizu, Hiroshi: Hara Yasushi
    『Prometheus』 Vol.21 No.1 pp.5-21 (2011/06)

    • 技術経営
    • Article


      An Influence of Organizational Positioning of R&D Activity on Innovation Process: A Comparative Analysis of ArF Resist Materials Development

      Aoshima, Yaichi: Tatsuya Kubota
      WP#11-06 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2011/04/25)

      In this research, we explored how organizational positioning of R&D activities, especially distance from the operating environment, affects researchers’ problem solving …

      • 技術経営
      • IIR Working Paper


        A Model of Technology Transfer in Japan's Rapid Economic Growth Period

        Aoki, Shuhei
        WP#11-05 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2011/04/04)

        Why did the Japanese economy stagnate beforeWorldWar II, how did it achieve rapid economic growth after the war, and why did it stagnate again after the 1970s? To answer these questions, I developed a two-country trade model with technology transfer, where firms in a developed country (the U.S.) transfer technology to the competitors i…

        • 技術経営
        • IIR Working Paper

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          Influence that Distance from the Divisional Environment has on the Innovation Process: A Comparative Analysis of ArF Resist Materials Development

          Kubota, Tatsuya:Yaichi Aoshima:Youngjae Koh
          WP#11-04 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2011/03/23)

          Since 1980s, both academia and practitioners have discussed where to locate R&D activities within organizations to promote innovation– either corporate R&D labs, operati…

          • 技術経営
          • IIR Working Paper


            A Study on the CPT Realization in Japanese Defense Procurement Reforms

            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
            Defense Procurement Structure Improvement Foundation, (Research Project Leader: Toshihiro Nishiguchi, in Japanese) (2011/03/01)

            • 技術政策
            • Working Paper(outside IIR)


              Standards as a knowledge source for R&D: A first look at their incidence and impacts based on the inventor survey and patent bibliographic data

              Tsukada, Naotoshi: Sadao Nagaoka
              RIETI Discussion Paper 11-E-018 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (2011/03)

              • 技術経営
              • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                Investment Risk, Pareto Distribution, and the Effects of Tax

                Nirei, Makoto
                RIETI Discussion Paper 11-E-015 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (2011/03)

                • 経済学
                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                  Scientific Breakthroughs and Networks in the Case of Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan, 1960s-2000s

                  Shimizu, Hiroshi
                  『Australian Economic History Review』 Vol.51 No.1 pp.71-96 (2011/03)

                  • 技術経営
                  • Article


                    Target Costing and Applicability of Cross-functional Teams in Government Procurement

                    Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Takahiro Morimitsu
                    『Financial Review』 Policy Research Institute of Ministry of Finance, No. 104 pp. 77-104 (in Japanese) (2011/02/01)



                      Paradigm Innovation through the Strategic Collaboration between TORAY & UNIQLO: Evolution of A New Fast Fashion Business Model

                      Choi, Eugene K.
                      WP#11-01 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2011/01/07)

                      The key purpose of this study is to examine the remarkable context within the evolution of the paradigm innovation in fashion product development, in the case of Japanes…

                      • 技術経営
                      • IIR Working Paper

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                        Jumps in Foreign Exchange Rates and Stochastic Unwinding of Carry Trades

                        Nirei, Makoto: Vladyslav Sushko
                        『International Review of Economics & Finance』 Vol. 20 No. 1 pp. 110-127 (2011/01)

                        • 経済学
                        • Article


                          High Performance Work Practices and Employee Voice: A Comparison of Japanese and Korean Workers

                          Bae, Kiu-Sik: Hiroyuki Chuma: Takao Kato: Dong-Bae Kim: Isao Ohashi
                          『Industrial Relations』 Vol. 50 No. 1 pp. 1-29 (2011/01)

                          • 技術経営
                          • Article


                            How Well Does Knowledge Travel? The Transition from Energy to Commercial Application of Laser Diode Fabrication Technology

                            Shimizu,Hiroshi : Satoshi Kudo
                            『Business and Economic History On-Line』 Vol.9 (2011)

                            • 技術経営
                            • Article


                              Digitalization and Innovation

                              Yoo, Youngjin
                              WP#10-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/12/27)

                              Developments in digital technology offer new opportunities to design new products and services. However, creating such digitalized products and services often creates new problems and challenges to firms that are trying to innovate. In this essay, we analyze the impact of digitalization of products and services on innovations. In parti…

                              • 技術経営
                              • IIR Working Paper

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                                Knowledge Creation Process in Science: Basic findings from a large-scale survey of researchers in Japan

                                Nagaoka, Sadao: Masatsura Igami: Manabu Eto: Tomohiro Ijichi
                                WP#10-08 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/12/24)

                                This paper reports the initial findings from a large scale survey of Japanese researchers on the knowledge creation process in science. The survey was jointly conducted by the Institute of Innovation Research of Hitotsubashi University and the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy . It collected 2,100 responses on researc…

                                • 社会学
                                • 産学官連携
                                • IIR Working Paper

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                                  Closely Competing Firms and Price Adjustment: Some Findings from an Online Marketplace

                                  Takayuki Mizuno: Makoto Nirei: Tsutomu Watanabe
                                  『Scandinavian Journal of Economics』 Vol. 112 Issue 4 pp. 673-696 (2010/12)

                                  • 経済学
                                  • Article


                                    Different Evolutionary Paths: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the U.S. and Japan: 1960-2000

                                    Shimizu, Hiroshi
                                    『Business History』 Vol.52 No.7 pp. 1151-1181 (2010/12)

                                    • 技術史
                                    • Article


                                      Stochastic Herding by Institutional Investment Managers

                                      Nirei, Makoto : Vladyslav Sushko
                                      Research Center for Price Dynamics Working Paper No. 64 Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University   (2010/11)

                                      • 経済学
                                      • Working Paper(outside IIR)

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                                        Organizational Deadweight: Learning From Japan

                                        Numagami, Tsuyoshi: Masaru Karube: Toshihiko Kato
                                        『The Academy of Management Perspectives』 Vol. 24 No. 4 pp. 25-37 (2010/11)

                                        • 組織論
                                        • Article
