
検索結果: 25件 1ページ目(1〜20)

The determinants of parallel invention: Measuring the role of information sharing and personal interaction between inventors

Kang, Byeongwoo:Rudi Bekkers:Atsushi Ohyama
『Research Policy』 Vol. 53 Issue 10 pp. 1-16 (2024/12/01)

There is abundant evidence that individuals create similar ideas independently at about the same time. While this phenomenon has often been documented, its underlying mechanisms have been understudied empirically. This study investigates two of such mechanisms implied by the theoretical work of Amabile (1983, 1988), Nonaka (1994), and …

  • 経営学
  • 組織論
  • イノベーションの経済分析
  • 知識
  • イノベーション
  • 特許
  • 知識創造
  • 同時開発
  • K-pop’s internationalization in the product adaptation and the upstream music supply chain in Korea, China, Japan, and the West

    Kim, Byeongsik:Byeongwoo Kang
    『Asia Pacific Business Review』 Vol. 29 No. 5 pp. 1369-1393 (2023/06/01)

    The success of Korean popular music (K-pop) in foreign markets has attracted considerable attention from researchers. Previous studies have highlighted the factors in K-…

    • 戦略論
    • 東アジア企業
    • The determinants of parallel invention: Measuring the role of information sharing and personal interaction between inventors

      Kang,Byeongwoo: Rudi Bekkers
      WP#22-06 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2022/11/07)

      Historical accounts describe numerous cases of parallel invention. Nowadays, with over half a million inventions yearly that apply for patent protection at the USPTO alone, it is likely that there are a lot of parallel inventions among these. Yet, the mechanisms behind creating similar knowledge remain unstudied. From both a theoretica…

      • 組織論
      • イノベーションの科学的源泉
      • 知識
      • IIRワーキングペーパー



        Introducing a Novelty Indicator for Scientific Research: Validating the Knowledge-based Combinatorial Approach

        Matsumoto, Kuniko: Sotaro Shibayama: Byeongwoo Kang: Masatsura Igami
        『Scientometrics』 Vol. 126 No. 8 pp. 6891-6915 (2021/06/23)

        Citation counts have long been considered as the primary bibliographic indicator for evaluating the quality of research—a practice premised on the assumption that citati…

        • イノベーションの計測
        • Innovation Processes in Public Research Institutes: AIST, Fraunhofer and ITRI Case Studies

          Kang, Byeongwoo
          『Science, Technology and Society』 Vol. 26 No. 3 pp. 433-458 (2021/05/25)

          The design of national innovation systems has attracted attention from scholars and policymakers. Firms, universities and government organisations (including public research institutes) are defined as the three major players of the national innovation system and interactions between the players are considered the key of the national in…

          • イノベーションの計測
          • イノベーション・プロセス
          • 公的研究機関
          • National Origin Diversity and Innovation Performance: The Case of Japan

            Kang, Byeongwoo: Kaoru Nabeshima
            『Scientometrics』 Vol. 126 No. 6 pp. 5333-5351 (2021/04/26)

            The debate on whether a team’s diversity influences innovation outcomes has gained attention in literature on innovation. Our study focuses on national origin among vari…

            • 組織論
            • イノベーション
            • 教育産業でのDX

              『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 68巻 2 80-93頁 (2020/10/01)


              • デジタル・トランスフォーメーション
              • 論文


                Impact of Academic Patenting on Scientific Publication Quality at the Project Level

                Kang, Byeongwoo
                『Asian Journal of Technology Innovation』 Vol. 29 Issue 2 pp. 258-282, refereed (2020/07/31)

                This paper investigates the relationship between patenting and publishing at the project level. It uses Japan’s Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research database. Japan’s …

                • 大学
                • 特許
                • 技術商業化
                • Effects of Regulations on Cross-border Data Flows: Evidence from a Survey of Japanese Firms

                  Tomiura, Eiichi : Banri Ito : Byeongwoo Kang
                  19-E-088 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2019/10/25)

                  • 規制
                  • デジタル・エコノミー
                  • ワーキングペーパー



                    『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 第66巻 4号 8-18頁 (2019/03/28)


                    • アントレプレナー
                    • 起業
                    • 論文


                      International protection of standard essential patents

                      Dang, Jianwei: Byeongwoo Kang: Ke Ding
                      『Technological Forecasting and Social Change』 Vol. 139 pp. 75-86 (2019/02/01)

                      Technical standards in the mobile communications industry have been developed from national to regional and from regional to global. In the current era, global standards in the industry have enabled the formation of a single global market. However, because standard essential patents (SEPs) are territorial given the nature of the patent…

                      • 知的財産権
                      • 標準化
                      • How Does Innovation Occur in India? Evidence from the JIRICO Survey

                        The International Schumpeter Society (2018/07/04)

                        Young Scholars Award 2018: This paper reports the results of the JIRICO survey to shed light on the drivers and obstacles to innovation in India, and how the intellectual property rights system, particularly patents, play a role in the larger innovation ecosystem of the country. Findings are on three issues: (1) Motivation of Innovati…

                        • 知的財産権
                        • イノベーションの計測
                        • イノベーション・プロセス
                        • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー


                          Mobility of Highly Skilled Retirees from Japan to Korea and Taiwan

                          Kang, Byeongwoo: Yukihito Sato: Yasushi Ueki
                          『Pacific Focus』 Vol. 33 No. 1 pp. 58-82 (2018/04/16)

                          Attracting highly skilled workers (HSWs) is a major element for the economic development of many countries, especially developing countries. However, the general interna…

                          • 知識
                          • 人材移動
                          • How does innovation occur in India? Evidence from the JIRICO survey

                            Bharadwaj, Ashish : Byeongwoo Kang
                            WP#18-05 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2018/01/30)

                            Based on the first innovation survey of 1139 firms in India, this paper provides innovation activities in India. Findings in this paper will provide insights to other emerging countries that pursue endogenous innovation.

                            • 知的財産権
                            • イノベーションの計測
                            • イノベーション・プロセス
                            • IIRワーキングペーパー


                              How a laid-off employee becomes an entrepreneur: The case of Nokia’s Bridge program

                              Kang, Byeongwoo : Heikki Rannikko : Erno T. Tornikoski
                              WP#17-15 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2017/12/26)

                              This paper investigates how to support employees to become entrepreneurs. Using original survey data by Nokia, we show two main findings. First, some contents of entrepreneurship were effective commonly to employees with an R&D background and to those with a non-R&D background while other contents were effective to either employees wit…

                              • 人材育成拠点
                              • アントレプレナー
                              • 起業
                              • IIRワーキングペーパー

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                                How a Laid-off Employee Becomes an Entrepreneur: The Case of Nokia's Bridge Program

                                RENT XXXI Conference (2017/11/17)

                                Conference Paper: submitted by Kang, Byeongwoo, Heikki Rannikko and Erno T. Tornikoski

                                • アントレプレナー
                                • 起業
                                • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー


                                  The Impacts of Export Competition on International Technology Flows

                                  Nabeshima, Kaoru : Mila Kashcheeva : Byeongwoo Kang
                                  『Applied Economics Letters』 pp. 1-4 (2017/10/25)

                                  Knowledge flow is a key to building technological capabilities. This article investigates how competition in international trade affects knowledge flow between countries…

                                  • イノベーションの経済分析
                                  • 知識
                                  • 知識のスピルオーバー
                                  • ノキア衰退前後のスタートアップ支援プログラムの比較

                                    技術と経営 (2017/10/01)

                                    著者:カン ビョンウ, 技術と経営 2017年10月出版, 53-55頁

                                    • アントレプレナー
                                    • 起業
                                    • 一般記事


                                      The Impact of Import vs. Export Competition in Technology Flows between Countries

                                      Kaoru, Nabeshima : Mila Kashcheeva : Byeongwoo Kang
                                      No. 654 IDE Discussion Papers (2017/04/01)

                                      Many countries are interested in strengthening their technological capabilities to achieve high growth rates. Knowledge flow is a key to build technological capabilities…

                                      • イノベーションの経済分析
                                      • 知識
                                      • 知識のスピルオーバー
                                      • ワーキングペーパー



                                        『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 64巻 4号 122-129頁 (2017/03/23)


                                        • 経営学
                                        • 論文
