De Rassenfosse, Gaétan: Kyle Higham: Orion Penner
『BMC Biology』 Vol. 20 Article Number 211 (2022/09/30)
Background: While specialization plays an essential role in how scientific research is pursued, we understand little about its effects on a researcher’s impact and care…
『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 70巻 2号 104-111頁 (2022/09/29)
連載 イノベーションマネジメントの定石(第7回)
Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Tohru: Sotaro Shibayama
『Higher Education』 Published online: 29 September, 2022 (2022/09/29)
Ph.D. training is an important mechanism for developing scientists who will serve our knowledge-based society. Because the quality of students who join Ph.D. programs si…
吉岡(小林)徹, 組織学会(編)『組織論レビューⅣ』 207-231頁
谷口諒, 組織学会(編)『組織論レビューⅣ:マクロ組織と環境のダイナミクス』 117-144頁
Pesqué-Cela, Vanesa:Jiarong Li:Yun Kyung Kim
『Asia Pacific Business Review』 Vol. 29 Issue 2 pp. 323-349 (2022/09/21)
Drawing on signalling theory and using the cases of Alibaba and Coupang, we investigate whether and how venture capital-backed companies from emerging markets use CSR to overcome the liability of foreignness when going public in the US. Our findings suggest that such firms strategically increase their CSR activities prior to their IPO …
Higham, Kyle: Sadao Nagaoka
22-E-074 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2022/08/18)
Delios, Andrew:Elena Giulia Clemente: Tao Wu:Hongbin Tan:Yong Wang:Michael Gordon:Domenico Viganola:Zhaowei Chen:Anna Dreber:Magnus Johannesson:Thomas Pfeiffer:Generalizability Tests Forecasting Collaboration:Eric Luis Uhlmann
『Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences』 119巻 30号 (2022/07/19)
This initiative examined systematically the extent to which a large set of archival research findings generalizes across contexts. We repeated the key analyses for 29 or…
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) (2022/07/11)
On February 1st, 2019, the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EJEPA) entered into force. The agreement was lauded in terms such as “the world’s largest free trade …
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) (2022/07/11)
How do global and local actors interact in institutional maintenance and change? This study addresses this perennial question in organization theory and international bu…
Tanaka, Shinsuke:Hideto Koizumi
medRxiv (2022/07/08)
We examine the effects of Daylight Saving Time (DST) on the incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) over three distinct time frames: short, medium, and long run. By exploiting the unique circumstances in Indiana, our findings highlight substantial short-term costs of increased AMI admissions at the spring transition by 27.2%, wh…
『日本経営学会誌』 50号 59-72頁 (2022/07/01)
『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 70巻 1号 126-138頁 (2022/06/30)
『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 70巻 1号 96-103頁 (2022/06/30)
連載 イノベーションマネジメントの定石(第6回)
『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 70巻 1号 8-23頁 (2022/06/30)
CASE#22-01 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2022/06/02)
本論では、カゴメの 1990 年代後半から 2000 年代の組織改革と新事業開発を、最終消費者との接触機会を増やすという観点から整理し解釈する。カゴメは 1980 年代に進めていた多角化から方針転換し、1990 年代後半からは「集中と成長」を掲げ、職能制組織から事業部制組織に近い組織体制へと変更した。その後、様々な改善活動や新事業開発が…
Higham, Kyle: Martina Contisciani: Caterina De Bacco
『Technological Forecasting and Social Change』 Vol. 179 (2022/06/01)
The use of patent citation networks as research tools is becoming increasingly commonplace in the field of innovation studies. However, these networks rarely consider the contexts in which these citations are generated and are generally restricted to a single jurisdiction. Here, we propose and explore the use of a multilayer network fr…